great SS amps for the klipsch rf7

I am so far set on the solid state amps just for simplicity and price, but might go tube if they will still play clear. I have used many guitar tube amps and damn they are sweet. I want to feed my 7s with at least 200rms per channel. I like loud at times. Right now using a Denon 2803 at 90rms per channel and it gives up quick and the 7s pick it out and sounds bad. I am looking for a sub 1k amp to get the job done if possible. I am picky on sound quality at all levels. I listen to everything. 7s now can be too harsh and mid bass is not firm. Need more HP. Would prefer a popular line for a good price on used. Looking at Aragon, Rotel, Monster, Etc. Thanks

I would think a used Classe amp would be a great starting point to look for.Great amps,well made and have a touch of warmth that'll work well with the Klipsch...
Rotel amps go quite nicely with Klipsch speakers. I use a rb991 on my Klipsch Epics. 200 watts per side at 8 ohms & 330 watts at 4 ohms. If you find a good deal on the rotel 1090, you will have 380 watts per side. That should be enough juice for your RF7's which I have heard dip below 3 ohms at times. Thats why your reciever can't handle them.
Happy Hunting,
Hey Viper,

I too am taking my time and researching amps for my new RF7's.
A Juicy Music tube pre-amp and solid state Channel Islands Monoblocks is one way that looks good to me. The softness of the tube pre and the grip on the 2-10" woofers at the same time.

An all in one package integrated for me may still be the Portal 100 watt@ 8 ohms & 200 watt @ 4 ohms. I read the 7's can dip down to about 3 ohms.

There must be a thousand different combinations for these

Good Luck with your search.