Best speakers with Pass labs X-350.5

Hi, my current system is:
Meridian 588
Arc ref 2 mk2
Pass X-350.5
and ???????????
Does anybody have any suggestions?
I'm considering Dynaudio C4, Evidence Temptations (used), B&W 802D (whisper treble?), Wilson WP7 (hot treble?) and Alto Utopia Be (lean bass?)
i've owned the c4s for over 2 years.placement is critical as with all speakers that deliver bass.should be kept well away from rear and side walls,otherwise low frequencies will become too pronounced as atkinson in stereophile made note of.doug schneider from soundstage found they measured
pretty well flat in an anechoic chamber.
before purchasing jc1 amplifiers,tested them with pass
aleph 2s(a combination i enjoyed very much)and x250(explosive dynamics and great extension at both ends,but ultimately lacking in the presentation of the midband,which seems to have been corrected in the newer .5 series).
IMO i´d stay away from "sweet" sounding speakers(sonus fabers come to mind)as i believe the 350.5 already leans in that direction and could turn into too much of a good always try before you buy,but if your room can handle them definitely worth auditioning.
Have demo'd both the Temptations and the C-4's with the larger Sim audio amps, but not the pass. Have heard the 802ds with various amps. Haven't heard, but would like to, the others.

I love the temptations but found them lacking in the bass. I attributed this to the room and the Sim amps which I have found are great in the mids and highs, but not as great in the bass. With the Pass they should be even better. They would be my top choice of those you listed if cost is not a consideration. Listened to the C-4 as well. They were fantastic both in 2 channel and HT. Very smooth, non-fatiguing. Loved the tweeter and some nice tight mid-bass. They are also very nice looking. 802's were nice, but I prefered both the Dyn's to them in the price range. Given that you are considering the Temptations, I'm guessing that space is not an issue. Question for me would be are the temptations that much better than the C-4's to justify the price. Close call. The wife preferred the temptations even with the size issue. She thought they were that much better Now that is a scary problem. I have created a monster I fear.

I heard some focal-based speakers at Celestial Audio in Phoenix that were AMAZING with the Pass gear. Their website is I think. Their speakers are a bit pricey but are the best-sounding speakers I've heard.

In the alternative, try to audition some JM Labs stuff, as they make the focal drivers and should sound very similar.
Add JBL K2 S9800 to your list

Pass (350 or XA160) + K2 is one of the most highly regarded combo in both Asia and Europe

the K2s are kind of hard to find here in the states, but you can get it through their special dealer network
good luck