Can HI FI components really make music?

Hello everyone. I am posting this question possibly a bit early but I am getting frustrated and am about to throw in the towel, sell everything and buy a Bose wave radio and call it good. My question is does a good HI FI system ever really sound like live music? At this point I think not. I have been in this hobby for about 7 years and just can't seem to get there. Even the system at the local "hi end" dealer does not come close to live music. My system has evolved over the years to the following:

Wadia 861 CD
VTL MB 125 mono blocks
Supratek Chennin Pre
(2) Vandy 2WQ subs
Vandy 3A Sig
Cardas Golden Cross inter con
Kimber Bifocal XL spk cable
Vandy model 5 Xover

All this gear is in a 13x35x8 room. Although the sound is quite good. Better than most any other system Ive heard it still has a long way to go. In all fairness the 3As are not completely broken in but I dont think they will improve to the extent I want them to over the course of the next 30 hrs. My dealers solution is that I should get rid of the Supratek and replace with a VTL 5.5. I dont think so. Been there done that. Although the VTL is decent it cant compete with the Supra.

At this point I think maybe the VTL 125s are just not sophisticated or powerful enough to give me the sound Im looking for. I think they are the weak link along with cabling. I stated earlyer that the dealers system doesnt do it for me either and I think that may be due to the fact that their biggest amp is 185 wpc. Im thinking maybe a sophisticated amp with say 400 wpc might get me there with the 3As. I dont know... but I am not willing to spend 100K to what I want nor could I afford to.

For those of you that are still with me any and all input welcome. I am not one of those thin skinned audiophiles that cries like a baby when someone has the audacity to insult their precious gear. So fire away.

Well I have settled down a bit. Now with a clearer head and your help I have decided to keep my gear and address some of the issues you have pointed out. I have to much time and money invested to just chuck it all. Not to mention the fact that I would really miss the music. I listen to just about everything but mostly jazz, blues, rock, fusion and electronica. Lately Ive been getting into 60s latin jazz. I love that Jimmy Smith organ but not wild about the big band backing. Let me know if any of you have come accross great latin jazz recordings.

I would like to point out that I am getting very good sound but as Pbb stated the problem is with me. I can be a bit of a perfectionist at times. The things I find lacking in my system are as follows: A huge lack of micro and macro dynamics (this is why I think more power may help), a much to forward treble, a strange un natural tonal character to the mid range. There are some good things like the huge holographic soundstage and pinpoint accuracy with certain recordings. I agree that all live performances dont blow my skirt up. Ive heard some terrible ones that make me love my system. What Id like to reproduce is the sound you get at a small well set up blues or jazz club. I saw Tito Puente at Jazz Alley and it was fantastic. To bad he's gone now. Ive only seen a couple of good big shows. The Cult was great and though Im not a fan of Sting (went for my wife) he sounded fabulous. Im not really considering a Bose Wave radio although I would love one in my bedroom or kitchen.

As far as set up goes I have a long way to go. This is what I have done so far and what I have learned about my room. I did the test tone thing with the Rives test CD and SPL meter and found that I have some big peaks and suck outs. As much as 12 db in some frequencys. Also I tested left and right channel independently and found that the right and left side actually vary quite a bit. Could this be causing the problems? Ive had the 3As all over the room. They are set up along the 13' wall about 6' out. They seem to image best there.The back wall is not perpindicular to the side walls. There is almost a foot more space behind the right speaker. Another possible problem? All equipment is on a mixture of 3 and 4 Black Diamond Racing cones.

I am going to keep the 3As and try to make them work. I have to, I just got em. I will put in a dedicated AC line and try to get the frequency response of the room a little flatter. Once you know where the problem areas are frequency wise, how do you deal with them?

I think Im going to go down and enjoy some music now without listening to the gear. Thanks again for all your help. Oh, if any of you are near the Seattle Tacoma area and want to help me sort it out please contact me.
I am going to keep the 3As and try to make them work. I have to, I just got em.

Well, that is very sad. A very poor reason to keep anything.

You said you are not thin skinned so here you go; Your speakers are lame, they always were lame, they will always be lame, there is nothing you can do to keep them from being lame. Unless you realize this and change your speakers you are going to be stuck in HiFi hell forever.
Herman I take it you use horns, Jeffrey Jacksons? Tell me about your experiences with them.
When I said to sell it all .....I ment it.I didn't say sell and give up your love for music,or to never listen again.You Have a hi-fi system and your not happy.Spending even more $$$ all of us have to get you nothing.Well you can buy hope i guess.

My conclusion is your keeping the sound you don't like and are giving up.Oh you will improve some by appyling some of my friends tweaks but in the end you will be doomed to mediocre sound.Hey even the 200K system here on audiogon are changing things around.Wonder why????If they can't figure out good sound then in theory YOU can't either.I used to be part of that club, Good luck!
"Once you know where the problem areas are frequency wise, how do you deal with them?"

Depends on the frequency. Moving the speakers and listening position about can cure a lot of bass problems, but not all (for those you might need a parametric equalizer). Toe-in can cause/cure a lot of sidewall reflection problems (mids and highs). Carpets can cure a lot of floor reflection problems (mids and highs) and ceilings can cause problems as well but are more difficult to treat because of WAF.

Get your meter back out and create a base line measurement on your system as set up and then start moving things about again and see what physical changes affect the base line measurements (chart it all, don't think you will remember 2hrs later). Pick and focus on one frequency abberation at a time (I usually start with the bass). If you need help after you have flattened it as best you can, give a very exact description/measurement of your room, furnishings, speaker and listening position. I'm sure many here will be able to give you specific recommendations.

You mentioned that your speakers measured differently. Is this the room or the speakers? Have you reversed the actual speakers to see? Have you just reversed the channels to see if its the electronics?

FWIW, your speakers are just fine, and in many ways ideal but they do have limitations. If you accept their limitations you will lose a lot of angst about not having a "perfect sound" system. Just don't spend a lot of money trying to get them to do something they can't! Be happy and listen to all that great music! :-)