AES/CARY Sixpac Mono Amps,Anyone have these?

I started to re-discover tubes and came across thses amps in The Absolute Sound and noticed there are only a few places where these can be purchased.
My Cary dealer here in Arizona can't even get a pair for me to demo.
Seems like the internal company(AES)within Cary itself just wants you to buy them and like them.
I did hear the Cary V12,and really liked it alot but can't afford the amp.These seem to be on the same structure as the V12.For the money they are probally pretty good.The only few reviews on them are (old) and from the origial debut of the amps.
I never see any of them for sale from private owners.
Is there anyone out there that have these amps and can give some more personal input on them?
I am demoing a pair of (Manley) MAHI amps and they are sounding not bad for a low wattage amp.I am enjoying them in Triode mode @20wpc...Hence the couriousity of the Sixpacs running Triode mode @ some of the extra upgrades offered them.Looking foward to hearing all comments.
I'm a happy owner for over a year now. I moved from solid state amps (Krell & Pass labs) to tubes over a year ago. The first tube move was a Manley Stingray integrated which was nice, then I moved to separates with the Sixpacs, and I'm not looking back. I concurr with Matty's comments above regarding sound qualities. I know several owners of these amps on Agon and everyone is impressed. Certainly, not the most widely held amp around here, but a very nice cost/performance ratio. I'd recommend the Jensen cap upgrade as well as binding post upgrade if you do order a pair. You also call Cary directly to discuss specifics, they are great folks. I see them for sale every other month or so on Agon. Good luck with your decision.
i demoed a pair direct from aes. they will let you return them if you are not satisfied. just asked before you commit to buy. the sixpacs didn't have enough punch for my 87dB efficient gershmans so i ended up buying a used pair of cary slm-200 monos. i really loved the sound of the sixpacs, they just couldn't control the bass like i wanted. i listen to a lot of metal / industrial (among many things) which is very bass heavy. if your listening tastes aren't as extreme, i think the sixpacs would be an excellent choice.
Though there is a lot in the way of rumor that the AES Sixpacs are in essence a lower cost version of the Cary V12, on mono chassis, they are not.

I was also under the impression that this was the case, but a thorough audtion will reveal the sonic differences between the two.

The Sixpacs are less resolving, more tubey, with less bass control and ability to drive a loudspeaker. The V12 is more refined and open sounding. Both products are excellent in absolute terms, just that one should be aware that you are not getting a V12 for a lower price when you buy the Sixpacs. Personally, I heard the Sixpacs to be kind of a product to place between the Rocket 88 and V12, one should give a listen to find what flavor they like best and what present the best value to them.
John at Audio Connection in NJ has the Six Packs. In fact he has just about anything you want from Cary. He is a real brick and mortar store. Lots of good equipment. He'd probably ship to your location as well.

web site:

No - I am not affiliated in any way. I was in his place once checking out some gear.

good luck
Thanx to everyone who responded about the Sixpacs.I will have to call AES and do some inquiring...
My speakers are Vintage Infinity RS1B's and I have been using the Manley Mahi's on the mid/tweet towers which I have set to go down to 200hz ,and then the Bass towers(using SS mono amps) take over from there and go down to 22hz.Since the sixpacs only have to power mid/tweet towers and not work hard to power full range speakers,by everyones comments highs,mids,and especially bass should be awesome.
The little 20wpc in triode mode Manleys really kick butt....I think I will be in tube heaven since the Sixpacs are wired for 50wpc triode vs the 20wpc of the Manleys.....It would be nice though if they had the Triode/UL switch!
Thanx again to all