ARC VTM120 Any thoughts?

I can't find any information, reviews, or opinions on these amps. Can anyone share any first or second hand information? Also, does any one know what they might go for these days?
thanx in advance
Audiofeil made a blanket statement about all ARC products in genral. That is the point of my objection.

It was an ignorant comment.
Ok now, I actually respect Audiofeil's opinion and appreciate the time he took to answer my thread. There's no such thing as a wrong opion - in my opinion. That's why we're all here. Right? Anyhow, JaFox, great post. I was actually poised to pull the trigger on a pair of the VTM120's for $1,650 but now have decided not to. I have $1,700 burning a hole in my pocket and want to buy a pair of tubed monoblocs 100wpc minimum. Second choice would be tubed stereo, third would be solid state, 250wpc. Could you recommend a couple of options you alluded to in your post? Thanx much. Anyone else?
Speaking as the only poster who seems to have ACTUALLY OWNED the VTM 120's here, and gave you my impressions...your most welcome! ;) As Jafox can certainly do better. I liked my SS D-200 better than the 120's.
Pawloski: I think that it is going to take some patience and luck to find a good deal on a pair of good sounding mono tube amps in your price range. But I have seen older VTL models like the 185/225/300 sell below the $2k mark. And these were huge hits in the late 80s with great 3-dimensional qualities and impressive bass for tube amps of the time. Just be prepared to put out a few hundred $$ to retube these amps if you get an older pair with old warn out tubes.

And what about the Quicksilver that was quite the rave back in the 80s as well? You might be able to find a good deal here and retubing if needed should cost less than the VTLs. They simply won't have the punch and dynamics of the VTLs.

What kind of speakers do you have? You can't really buy an amp without matching it with the speakers and vice versa.

Do you have any plans/interest to biamp? If so, focus on a 2-channel amp like the D115 or the VT130/VT100 if you want to stay with ARC products and then get another later. The BAT VK60 is another product to consider to start with one and then get another later to either use as two 2-channel amps or have them changed to run as mono amps.

If you need an amp with more power, the Counterpoint SA and NPS series are excellent performers as well; they simply will not have the bloom and decays like the other amps mentioned here. They are incredibly tonally coherent...just not the last word in resolution....but nothing mentioned here really is anyway.

So there's some ideas from my corner of the world.
