Preamp for Bryston 4bst


I am building a system and I started off with the Bryston 4bst. I am now looking for a preamp to use with the 4bst. I am looking to spend somewhere in the range of $500-$950 and probably used. I have looked at the Audio Research LS-3, Adcom GFP-750, Bryston BP20, and the Rotel RC 1070. I am open to all suggestions.

Thanks for your help.

The Audio Research LS-3 and Bryston ST series amps have excellent synergy. This I know after running an LS-3 and 4B-ST together for several years, and then moving on to a series of much more expensive components thereafter. In fact, the dealer I bought this combo from spoke at length about their synergy, saying the LS-3 bested Bryston's own preamps with the 4B-ST and the more expensive ARC LS-2.

Provided they are left on 24/7 and used with really good cabling, the LS-3 / 4B-ST can sound incredibly good for the money.
Can't comment on the realm of options, but I fed my 4bst with a VTL TL 2.5, then a Rogue 99 Magnum, and am now using a Plinius CD LAD (Mk. II). Works for me.
I'd also vote for the ARC,along with Counterpoint which I had for years with great success,good luck,Bob
I have an ARC LS-9 in front of my 4B-ST and I think that they make an excellent combination. I was fortunate to have been able to borrow an Adcom GFP-750, and later to audition a Rotel RC-1090 in my system. Believe it or not, I think that the Rotel was the better of those two overall, although my LS-9 is clearly superior to both the Rotel and Adcom in all respects. I would like to hear a Bryston preamp in my system, but the opportunity has never presented itself.

A remote volume control is mandatory for me. If it is not important to you, then you probably couldn't go wrong with an LS-3.