Preamp for Bryston 4bst


I am building a system and I started off with the Bryston 4bst. I am now looking for a preamp to use with the 4bst. I am looking to spend somewhere in the range of $500-$950 and probably used. I have looked at the Audio Research LS-3, Adcom GFP-750, Bryston BP20, and the Rotel RC 1070. I am open to all suggestions.

Thanks for your help.

Thank you for the insight,

If I go with a used Adcom GSP 750 I believe I can keep it under $950, it comes with a remote, and from the reviews that I have seen it has very good sound quality. Please let me know if I am missing something.

Thanks for your help.


I have an opportunity to purchase a used ARC LS-3 with a remote for $900. I also have an opportunity to purchase a Parasound PL-D 2000 with remote for under $900. Does anyone have an opinion with these two alternatives.

The LS-3 without a remote is a real high-end preamp that is not out of place in a revealing system. It is grain-free, dynamic and transparent, especially through the direct input that bypasses the channel selector and balance control.

The remote volume control will reduce its fidelity. As for how it sounds compared to the Adcom (I used to own a cheap Adcom) and the Parasound, I do not know, but given that most mid-priced solid-state preamps sound mediocre and given how good the LS-3 sounds, my guess is that the LS-3 will sound better in most systems, especially in a system featuring a Bryston amp.