PX25 SET amps-Art Audio, Audion, Wavelength???

Fellow Audiohpiles,
I am considering a SET amp and in particular a PX25 based amp but to date have only located 3 brands:
* Art Audio PX25 (US$6,500)
* Audion Silver Night MKII PX25 (US$5,495)
* Wavelength Saturn PX25 (price?)

Are there others you recommend I investigate?

Of the three listed above how do they compare - is one head and shoulders above the others? I know this is subjective but any insights would be appreciated.

thanks very much,
After speaking with Gordon at Wavelength today it seems like its now down to his Cardinal amp (US$7.5K) vs Art Audio PX25 (US$6.5K) which is a 300B vs PX25 choice. Gordon's Saturn PX25 amp is good for 8-16 ohm speakers and mine are a nominal 6 ohms dropping to 4 ohms so he advises against the PX25 and recommends the Cardinal instead which can accommodate 4, 8 ohms. He said that the 4 ohm load of my speakers is in the bass and that takes lots of current which I guess a 6 watt PX25 can't provide. I now need to double check with Joe @ Art Audio that his PX25 will perform with my speaker ohm load. Also, Gordon opinion of the KR Audio PX25 tube is that it has a tipped-up frequency extremes and sounds like a 300B and therefore isn't a genuine PX25 tube so he uses a TJ Mesh tube instead. But this is all water under the bridge if the Saturn amp won't work with my speakers . . .

Audion is now off the short list due to too many "war stories."

Gliderguider - how does your Audion Silver Night PX25 amp work with the 4 ohm load of our speakers? Does the amp have a 4 ohm tap or do you not worry about it and use the subwoofer to augment any shortcomings the amp may have in the low bass?

My understanding is that the Model One is essentially a 6 ohm load. Am I misinformed? Be that as it may, I have absolutely no issues with the bass on my amp with its 8 ohm output, down to the limits of the speakers. The subs make up for the speakers' shortcomings, not the amp's. I hear no difference in bass extension between my PX25 and my Triton 300B amps, though the bass resolution is better with the PX25.

On the question of tubes, I just don’t like the TJ PX25 that Gordon swears by. I find it overly warm, too bloomy and rolled off. I think the KR tube is far more neutral, transparent and extended - at least in my amp. Maybe that means I don't like "real" PX25's? So be it. The KR tube in my amp is a stone killer. Get Joe Fratus' opinion as well of the two brands before you make up your mind.
Hi all,
After discussions with key Audiogon members above, and a few others, in addition to Joe at Art Audio and Gordon at Wavelength, I've made the decision to purchase an Art Audio PX25 amp! I expect that it may be shipped out late this week and arrive sometime next week.

Will keep members posted of my thoughts on it.

Thanks to each person who took the time to write thoughtful responses to this thread - I greatly appreciate your insights and experiences.

Congratulations Kevin,

I beleive you are going to be very happy with the Art Audio amp. Joe Fratus is one of the good guys. Outstanding customer support and service. Look forward to your impressions. Happy listening.

Nicely done Kevin. Wait til you see that Art Audio in a dark room. The 2 things I look forward to with my Symphony II is turning it on and waiting for night. Joe Fratus may have a few equals but none better. Enjoy.