What SS Int Amp to match with Sonus Faber?

Hi all,

Need some inputs on SS Int Amp which would be a good match with Sonus Faber Speaker? Budget of about USD3K. Looking for tube-like sound.

The exact model is the Domus Grand Piano with sensitivity of 90dB and impedance of 4 ohms.

Many Thanks!
I second the SF Musica, to die for, let alone with SF speakers, to rescucitate for. I had it for a week with my SF Concerto and SF Signum and it was unreal...but out of my budget at the time. I went with a used YBA DT instead, great match but not quite up to the Musica in the bloom department.
If you are interested in tubes I purchased a Cary amp that I do not think I am going to use. It is the V12r and I ordered it special from Cary in the Jaguar Black. I paid $3500 for it and would sell for that same price if you are at all interested. It would come in new in box with the reciept. I just did not want to back out on the dealer I ordered from.
You may want to try out the YBA passion integre, which is above the 2K budget but worth the extra cost. At 100 wpc it is more than enough to drive my 88 db Revelation Audio Mistral S6 monitors. I imagine the SF speakers would be a breeze for it and I can assure you that this integre is quite musical ... from my own experience of course ... I pair it up with an audio aero capitole MKII SE.

just a thought.
Unison Research Unico. It is inexpensive 80 Watts and has a tube input stage. Or you could step up to the plate and purhase a REAL-TUBE Integrated Amplifer like a Cary or a Pathos. Good Luck.

a used Pathos Logos, Plinius 9200, Magnum Dynalab, a used Mark Levinson 331 with a passive pre, Hegel.......