Tubes for a Conrad Johnson 17LS?

I just purchased a (used) CR 17LS Pre. This is not the 17LS2 version. I haven't got it home yet, but I'm already wondering if there's some experience out there with 6922 tubes. Also, are there other tube types that will work in this unit that are not 6922s? Thank you in advance, for your time!
I would definetly recommend switching the stock tubes.
As Tvad posted earlier he let me borrow a set of Philips
miniwats and the difference they made was amazing.

The Philips were much quieter and had better bass
extension. The midrange was more defined and detailed.
The original Sovtek tubes sounded muddy and congested by
comparison. I would never go back to the stock tubes
on my 17LS.

Good luck
I really liked the Mullard CV2493 in my 17LS. But, I am only comparing it to the stock Sovtek 6922. In my area, availability of NOS tubes is somewhat limited. I found that the Mullard threw a much larger sound stage, particularly from front to back. I did not notice any difference side to side, but that may be room limitations. Also, compared to the Sovteks, the Mullard are a good bit airier.
Someone suggested this first - get really used to the sound of the Sovteks, to give yourself a reference point. Then, when you try different tubes, you can compare to the stock tubes.
I own a 17LS.

I need to replace the tubes. I don't have a lot of funds now for NOS tubes.

EH 6922 seems like a good choice for a stock tube with the CJ preamps.

I also have easy access to a local cryo-facility so may eventually try cryoing the EH 6922 to see what improvement is possible.

Question: There seem to be two types of EH 6922. Those with gold pins (a bit more expensive) and those with non-gold plated pins (not sure if these are steel or nickel-plated).

Are the gold-plated EH 6922 much better? If yes, what are recommended sources to get the gold-plated EH? I can get the regular EH 6922 locally (in Canada) from PartsConnexion or TheTubeStore.

Also for this application is it important to get matched/balanced tubes. Some vendors seem to offer this as a service, typically $5 upcharge. I called CJ and they sell matched/balanced EH 6922 tubes as well, $115 for a set of 4. Does anyone know if the CJ replacement tubes are gold-plated?

Thanks for your input.

I use the gold pined EH6922's in my premier 16 and I am very satisfied with them. I can not comment as to their sonic superiority over the non gold pined. You can buy the gold pined ($15.99) and non gold pined ($8.99) 6922's by a venfor on this site. His user name is 4380134d on audiogon; he currently has an active ad running. I have bought from him in the past and can recommend him.

I do not believe cj sells the gold pin version; you would have to ask them. I would not concern myself with matched pairs for signal tubes, such as the 6922's. Only power tubes and then only if you have limited ability to bias the power tubes.


I ordered a set (4) of the EH6922 with gold pins. I will post my impressions once I have had a chance to evaluate them. If they work out well, I may order a second set and get them cryoed to see if that makes a difference.

What was the burn-in period in your experience?
