Accuphase E408, E407 or E530 ?

Hi, my system consist of Sonus Faber Concerto speaker, Marantz SA15-S1 SACD player & I am using a old vintage Accuphase E206 integrated amp.

I would like to upgrade my E206 to a higher model integrated amplifer. I am thinking about the above models.
Any advise ?

I thought of going from integrated to pre-power but I think an integrated should work as well as a pre-power amp.

I am using Elco HPC-10SP power cord & Crystal Clear Audio Studio Reference RCA interconnect for my SACD player .

I thought of getting the E408 ( S$6250 in Singapore here ) but comparing it to the E407, I can't really see a difference. Is it worth while ?

E530 is a class A 30 Watts amp. As compared to E408, the sound should be much warmer but is 30 Watts too little.

I am intending to upgrade to a floorstanding speaker down the road ( eyeing on the JM Lab Utopia Be model ). No intention to upgrade to electrostatic speaker & will keep to box speaker.

I like all kind of music/song but not into heavy metal rock.

Thanks in advance.

Don't worry about the power of the E530 unless you have inefficient speakers or a very large room.

My 34watt Sugden, Class-A amp runs my B&W 805s with ease, supposedly a "power hungry" loudspeaker.

The E530 is one of the best integrated out there, I believe.
You will have no regrets if you purchase this unit.
Jeremy, of the models you list I've only heard the 407, and IMHO it's a great amp.
The new one 408 (it replaced the 407) it's more complex design in terms of topology.
The 530 is a class A amp, and uses Mosfet transistors, it should have a diferent sonority, as you say warmer.
One of the great things of Accuphase amp is that he plays all kinds of music, not only classical or jazz.
Power can be an issue, because of the music you listen, how you listen, the size of the room and your speakers, then you should consider the amp with the higher power rating.
Whatever your choice, you will be a very happy customer.
I had just went down to Accuphase dealer. They are clearing out their E530 at a special price of S$6500. As compare to the price of E408, its just S$250 more. Now, I really don't know which one to buy ???

The size of my living room is 4.15 m X 4 m.