Aretha, favorite recordings?

Aretha Franklin. Folks, my "best of" CD just doesn't sound as good on my "real" stereo as it did in the old boom box days.

Best recordings? Both in terms of Aretha kicking b*tt, and in terms of good sound (I'm not talking audiophile here, just want a less-than-muted voice. Vinyl or CD, either one.

What is the rumor of a gospel album? Has anyone heard it?

I'm expecting thoughts to lean towards older music, but I am willing to be suprised!


- Eric
I just picked up the 4 Men with Beards reissue of Atlantic's "I Never Loved a Man the Way I Love You on LP. It is by far the best recording I have heard of this album. I also own the orginal LP and the remastered cd. The vinyl is dead quiet and the dynamics are breath taking. I have never heard Aretha sound as good on lp or cd.
I take it back. Your thread caused me to listen to my copy of an Atlantic reissue of "Amazing Grace". It is not audiophile quality, but it is quite musically satisfying. They certainly were able to spread out the choir across the soundstage, there is a solid and clean bass, and the roughness (distortion) on her voice as it existed on the original LP is gone. This CD can really put you back in church if you haven't been there for a while. Thanks Eric for causing me to visit my own archives!
"From Jazz to Soul" is a 2 CD compilation with fairly consistent results. No audiophile recordings here, but world class music.
Great responses, thanks guys and gals. Keep them coming if there are more out there.

I remember seeing the Blues Brothers movie back when it first came out in the seventies and Aretha played a waitress in a luncheonette. I had no idea who she was. She ripped into "Think", and when it was done (I admit I had never heard the song before!) I said "Oh lord, who was that!?". The credits enlightened me. Been listening ever since.

Thanks again...

- Eric