Music industry troubles caused by radio?

Apparently the music business is in trouble. For the first time since the Beatles, sales are diminishing. Some people think it's because of internet downloading and perhaps that is part of the problem but I think it's more because there's not much new worth listening to. The thing is, I'm sure there are amazing musicians out there who we're just not hearing. They probably fall outside of the narrow range of music that most radio stations choose to play.

I can remember discovering FM in the '70s. It was amazing. Low key, huge variety, minimal commercial content, and whole album sides sometimes. In the '80s, I enjoyed a paricularly cool modern rock station where once again, variety ruled. Then along came the '90s. The bean counters took over and issued an edict that the same 40 songs should be played over and over ad nauseum. Pick a genre and you can almost predict the song that will be played based on the time of day. With less variety, there are fewer opportunities to introduce new artists and a bland, homogenized form of radio pap results.

Maybe I'm just becoming an old fart but I can't think of many bands worth mentioning that actually came on the scene in the '90s. The artists that I find are still worth listening to emerged in the '60s, '70s and '80s and continue to record today.

There might be reason for hope. If XM can offer a more diverse pallate of music, maybe some of the fun of radio could return.
As mentioned above, some of the music industry's problems are a result of consolidation in radio broadcasting. But a lot of the blame should be dumped right back on the "suits" that run the five majot record labels.
When you start treating your customers like criminals, with various copy protection schemes that serve noone but the record company; fail to bring to market acts people really want to hear; try to screw your own artists out of millions of dollars in royalties; have a product that is grossly over-priced in relation to actual costs; and make marginal efforts to promote your new acts - you can pretty easily understand why the major record companies are in trouble. And I haven't even talked about the so-called new audio formats that are launching at a snail's pace.
Yes - the stations owned by Clear Channel and Infinity really leave a lot to be desired. Not only do they all seem to play the same "Top 40" and "Light Rock" drivel, but they compress almost everything they broadcast. And if you find the music less than pleasing, you can add insult to injury with the 20+ minutes of ads they run each hour. About the only stations still broadcasting un-compressed music these days are college stations, PBS and public owned stations, and a ever-smaller group of independent holdouts from the 90s. (Most in small markets - I might add.)
Given all the negatives in the radio market, it's pretty clear that radio is also helping with the music industry's demise.
Check out - it's the local (Seattle) college station, and it's available online with various kinds of hi-rez streaming. If you want to hear non-commercial pop/rock (as well as a great African music show - Best Ambience), it's worth looking at. They even have older shows available as 'archives' that you can listen to. For rock/pop, there isn't a single station worth listening to in the entire area. If you want to hear new and interesting music, you defintely won't find it on commercial radio! There's tons of interesting music being produced these days, thanks to low-cost digital technology.
I think there are some very good points made above to which I would add the following.
1.PIRACY-Do not underestimate (here in the UK anyway)how much damage this does-ripped CD's of an artists entire career can be bought for £15 here in the UK,anybody in any job or on the street can get access to a new album for £2 with packaging that looks not too dissimilar to the original.
This is more down to new technology rather than the net.
2.MUSIC/RADIO whatever is too specific these days,you never really hear anything out of place so people just stick to what they know-which is part of the intial posters point.
3.ORIGINALITY-arguably popular music has reached a point where it may well be close to impossible to be truly groundbreaking-there are a lot of great new bands about but their refrence points are too well known.
There could be an argument too,weirdly that there is too much music available nowadays-
Also I think we lived through a golden age,the period into the 70's saw music developing and expanding it was a seperate entity.
Nowadays music has become part of movies,advertising,socialising etc.etc. it's been absorbed into the culture.
I'm not convinced it can be what it was.
4. OLDER MUSIC FANS -people of my generation and in the range thereabouts move on in their life-they really don't have time or inclination to search out new music and also because of much of what I've written above they tend to stick to established greats or actually mellow out.
My taste has broadened as I've got older into classical and jazz but also electronica and some avant garde stuff and sure I dismiss a lot of the new bands but I do buy a lot of new stuff too.
The evidence is here on this site-I read a lot about Lucinda Williams et al (whom I quite like)but not too much about The Strokes.
Ok we see the odd White Stripes/Wilco reference but how many Audiogoners read the music monthlies and search out truly new music-not many I would guess.
This is nothing new but my point below is I think...
5.YOUNGER GENERATIONS-to me this is key,we are seeing the first fall out of the post-rock generation,the younger generation is no longer buying music the way we did,they are also listening to a different types of music-rap,hip-hop,nu-metal.
Clearly these are the genres which are not in trouble.
They are approaching music in a completely different way,kids are using the net and new technology and there are not taking the traditional route that we did.
They may well buy a Korn CD but maybe with so many other alternative ways to access music these days I would doubt they are going to buy the amount of records their fathers and mothers did.
Truly the world has changed,business wise and marketing wise,the record companies are in a mess because they don't know what they are doing.
A lot of it is their fault but it's people who are causing the slump.
I think radio is one aspect but I would argue it's a pretty complex issue.
I second Philefreaks's WNCW recomendation, Jlambrick. You will hear every artist you mentioned plus many more. This small station on a community college campus in Spindale, NC has become so popular in the region around Western NC, Upstate SC (where I live) and Eastern TN that they have had to erect additional transmitters in these regions to bring their music to a wider listening audience.
Go on-line and take a listen... I think you will be happy that you did.

I gave a listen to WCNW and KCRW and liked them both a lot. We have a similar station here in Salt Lake (KRCL Community Radio) and I spend a fair amount of time listening to it. It's very much a labor of love in that they have volunteers producing the programs. They cover everything from Blue Grass to Vietnamese Folk to New Age to Thrash Metal. I've found much of the newer music that I listen to there but unfortunately it's just one station to cover everything. Even folks with an extremely diverse taste in music will only sporadically find programs they can enjoy. I wish we had about 10 of those stations.

BTW I agree that the music industry itself is to blame for many of it's own problems. I especially like Ozfly's comment about industry execs creating a temporary local optima. I think that the mega-greed in many industries is causing a similar effect. When it comes to music which many of us consider almost sacred, I wish they'd just find another industry to rape and pillage.