music , mind , thought and emotion

There is not a society on this planet, nor probably ever has been, which is without some form of musical expression, often closely linked with rythm and dance. My question is less concentrated on the latter two however.
What I am pondering boils down to:
What is music and what does it do to us
Why do we differentiate music from random noise so clearly and yet can pick up certain samples within that noise as musical.
By listening to music, we find some perhaps interesting, some which we would call musical. What differentiates "musical music" from "ordinary music" and this again from "noise"?
In a more general sense again:
If music has impact on us, what is the nature of our receptors for it. Or better: Who, what are we, that music can do to us what it does?
What would be the nature of a system, which practically all of us would agree upon, that it imparts musicality best?
And finally, if such a sytem would exist, can this quality be measured?
One of the greatest threads with some of the greatest people. I love and miss your passion! Where have you all gone? I have been here a long, long, time hoping for your return.
there is no difference between "musical" music and "ordinary music". music is pitch, timbre and harmonics.

there is no medium for communicating music is universally accepted. enjoyment can come from a $10.00 walkman or a $1,000,000 high end stereo system.

receptivity to the music is more important than any other factor.

certain combinations of frequencies, presented at certain intervals is pleasing to some people.

i see no evidence that there is some music that is universally popular. some people react minimally to music, or rarely listen to it.
The music I enjoy the most and receive the thrill or peaceful feeling from, depending on the style I am listening to at the moment, is performed by humans who learned how to play an instrument and sing from their soul. This means to me music that is sung by real singers and real instruments played by musicians. The overly electronica styles, samples, machine played, taped, lip-synced crap is not much different to me than listening to a washing machine or equipment at the plant I work at. I do make small concessions for electronic amplification.
One thing the always amazes me is that there are a few groups that consider music and dancing "sinful". The groups that come to mind are sects of Christianity and Islam. Can anyone explain the rationale behind these beliefs?
I personally believe that music and art are achievements of mankind.