What's your latest "Discovery"

You know when you buy a new album and it just clicks?! And then you have to play it rather frequently in the mix over and over for the next several days....What's the last album's you bought that really clicked for you?

I just picked up a Jazz trio album that is just a wonderful recording and performance:

It's called "Achirana" on ECM (that label seems to have a lot of great discs!). Vassilis Tsabroplulos, Piano. Arild Andersen, Double-Bass. John Marshall, Drums. Love the 5th cut! That double bass is right there in the room!

Also been enjoying a new classical guitar disc: Julian Bream, "The Ultimate Guitar Collection" on BMG. Great double-disc set. Not that crazy about the recording on this one, but the performance and breadth of the tapestry of work on those two CD's is remarkable.

Any new "discoveries" to share?
Tom Russell, The Man from God Knows Where, recommended here by a few folks (thanks). an incredible opera-like historical immigrant journey of great music.
how's this for eclectic?
King Crimson - "The Nightwatch" It's a live 2 disc CD of the group playing in Amsterdam in 1973. Ubelievably good recording and playing by the Fripp/Wetton/Bruford/Cross erra band.

and . .

Rachel Podger, Arte Dei Suonatori Baroque Orchestra playing Antonio Vivaldi "La Extravaganza" (12 violin concertos). Incredible string arangements, terrific dynamics.
E.S. Posthumus , Unearthed .. If you like the main theme for the TV Show "Cold Case" its on here. I can't praise this CD enough.
Go to there web site , The song "Nara" (theme to cold case) should start playing. Sit back and listen . This song gives me goose bumps.
