Who are the Jazz Cats on Audiogon?

Okay, let's get down to it. WHO are the audiophiles on this site who claim JAZZ as their first music? In other words, every time you consider a new piece of equipment, it's because you want to hear Miles sound a little sweeter, or Trane sound a little more authorative, or Duke more like the master composer that he truly is? How about a roll call . . .
Hi Crazy4Blues.

I listen to a lot of Jazz but probably can't call it my "first music." Ironically, one reason is that I listen to a lot of blues too and obviously so do you! Maybe you need a new moniker! Ditto re Scott. I have a jazz file of stuff saved from Agon on Jazz and it is about 75% Scott. I like new stuff too. Can't argue too much with Duke, Miles and Coltrane though.

I remain,
I hear Ya!. I also agree about "Professor SDCampbell". I followed religiously his "list" on his "Best of Jazz release" for 2001 and 2002. I bought almost 200 CDs in my 3 month quest. Follow his suggestion and live a happy man. Also check out his vinyl recommendations if you are into it (vinyl).
It's the first thing I reach for when I'm ready to listen, and is the only thing I use for auditioning anything new.