Who are the Jazz Cats on Audiogon?

Okay, let's get down to it. WHO are the audiophiles on this site who claim JAZZ as their first music? In other words, every time you consider a new piece of equipment, it's because you want to hear Miles sound a little sweeter, or Trane sound a little more authorative, or Duke more like the master composer that he truly is? How about a roll call . . .
It's the first thing I reach for when I'm ready to listen, and is the only thing I use for auditioning anything new.
I'm not going to spend thousands of $$$ if I'm just going to listen to Justin Timberlake.
Count me in. I've been listening primarily to jazz since I was in my early twenties (I'm now 48), but it's just been the last couple of years that I got bitten by the audiophile bug. I'm constantly reading and experimenting, trying to squeeze a little more detail out of my system.

Count me in as well, please. I have it with Jazz probably more or less like Clueless has. Not exactly very first choice, but I listen to a lot of Jazz. Cheers and keep on grooving!