Who are the Jazz Cats on Audiogon?

Okay, let's get down to it. WHO are the audiophiles on this site who claim JAZZ as their first music? In other words, every time you consider a new piece of equipment, it's because you want to hear Miles sound a little sweeter, or Trane sound a little more authorative, or Duke more like the master composer that he truly is? How about a roll call . . .
Can't claim to be a true expert, and it's not my #1 music, but I get by. My collection must run into the several hundreds of vintage jazz vinyl, mostly from the 50's and 60's, but I enjoy - to a greater or lesser extent - almost all genres predating fusion. I especially dig those few artists whose specialty was/is a balancing of composition and orchestration with improvisation, who move beyond forms standardized in the service of jamming.
Really? There's only about 30 jazz cats? Come on, y'all, sound off! Jazz is America's classical music, and it must be supported as such!
Count me in. Been listening to jazz since I was 13 and about 75% of my listening is to jazz. I have 1000+ jazz CDs -- most of it covering the period from the mid-to-late 50s to date, with a particular weakness for piano trio and solo, Coltrane, Miles, Sonny Rollins and 50s-60s Blue Note artists (Blakey, Wayne Shorter, Lee Morgan Horace Silver, etc). Just today, I just discovred about 20 unopened/unlistened-to CDs that I forgot I had purchased!

I've got another 500-750 LPs, most purchased from 1970-1985.