Who are the Jazz Cats on Audiogon?

Okay, let's get down to it. WHO are the audiophiles on this site who claim JAZZ as their first music? In other words, every time you consider a new piece of equipment, it's because you want to hear Miles sound a little sweeter, or Trane sound a little more authorative, or Duke more like the master composer that he truly is? How about a roll call . . .
RD94123: RU in SF? Check out 91.1 KCSM. If you're not from around here, they are on the web, of course. You sound like a real hip cat!
Hey Crazy4blues: I am in SF. Thanks for the heads up ON 91.1 - GREAT SITE! We might even check out the concert this weekend. Good thread!
Rd: Let me know the next time you're at Yoshi's. That, of course, is the best place to hear live jazz on the West Coast! Cheers, buddy!