Concert attendance

I realize for many people the concert season is just getting started, but this season seems a little different. The economy seems tighter and people are a little concerned about financial circumstances.
I have been to only one concert this year, but I do have tickets for a concert in August. I hope to go to more shows this year, but I don't have any plans right now.
Are you going to be attending as many concerts this year as you have in the past?

Thanks for your response. My wife and I see PG on his "Us" tour (mid 90's --- where does the time go?). We were floored at the production. An amazing experience. We're really looking forward to this show; doubly now since your post!

I go to mostly blues shows, which tend to be small, semi-local and cheap. There are several good "festival" type shows, with 4 or 5 good acts, $25 for the day admission, beer, stogies, and BBQ not included-- so far this calendar year probably 24+ shows. Have a big 4th weekend blues festival here in Portland, have a couple other festivals later in the summer to go to, and many odd weekday night shows to see.

Portland is a pretty good town to be a blues fan in.
Last night I went to the Yardbirds concert in Annapolis,MD.
Excellent concert and fun for all who attended. The Yardbirds were truly a great club band. They played great tunes and they were enjoying themselves tremendously and were very gracious aferwards with autographs, questions, etc. If you are interested, go to their for their concert dates. The
tickets were only $25.00 and worth every penny.
Saw Alex Skolnick Trio last night. It was a great performance. He will be in Rochester NY next week, I am planning on being there. That will probably be it for now. Check out his website or new thread.
Shubertmaniac: Glad you enjoyed the show, but I tend to take exception to the billing that McCarty + Dreja = The Yardbirds (What was Box of Frogs?). That's less than 50% of the proper lineup - even less if you include all three (actually four, but who remembers the guy before Clapton?) lead guitarists who came and went - and could be argued to consist of the two least crucial members (though I personally don't view it that way - I love both their playing, and they were founding members). But if the band did a good job on the old songs, that's what matters most. I might've met you at the Ramshead under different circumstances, but as things were, I couldn't get myself motivated about this one...maybe I screwed up! :-)