Perfect Pitch?

Heard a prof from McGill University this am on the radio researching perfect pitch and its evil cousin tone deafness. He has devised ways of ascertaining if a person as such a gift even if that person is not a musician and, therefore, does not have the musical vocabulary to express their perceptions. Question: how many of you have perfect pitch and do so-called golden ears ipso facto have such a gift?
Talking comic opera, don't you think audiophilia nervosa might be the basis for an intresting one, albeit only understandable by more "objective" 'philes. It's only a bloody record player, you know. Good tunes.
Yes, I have it as well and it is a mixed blessing. The
amazing thing to me are the number of artists that have
incredible abilities but don't even have their instuments
truly in tune. Or worse yet, singers who get close to the
note their trying to hit and never quite get there. How
can this stuff really get to the marketplace? I was just
last night listening to Jesse Cook, who is a marvelous
talent on flamengo guitar, great stuff but PLEASE........
somebody get that instrument in key!!!
Yes, I have it as well and it is a mixed blessing. The amazing thing to me are the number of artists that have
incredible abilities but don't even have their instuments
truly in tune. Or worse yet, singers who get close to the
note their trying to hit and never quite get there. How
can this stuff really get to the marketplace? I was just
last night listening to Jesse Cook, who is a marvelous
talent on flamengo guitar, great stuff but PLEASE........ somebody get that instrument in key!!!
I don't play any musical instruments but can usually whistle passages of a tune I've just heard for the first time pretty much in key. A friend here at work has the same enthusiasm for whistling as I do, but when he responds to a song I have no idea what he's whistling.

Is this what you mean?
Pbb....You should hear a song by the 1960's British comic duo Swann and Flanders. The song is "Song of Reproduction" the second cut on Angel LP 35797 (mono) titled "At the Drop of a Hat", which was the name of their Broadway show. They made one other record that I know of, Angel 36112 (Stereo) "At the Drop of Another Hat". Both recordings will have you rolling in the aisles.