New Steely Dan; Great Music w/ Surgical Precision

Listening to the New Steely Dan release right now. Available at Borders for $12.99. It's very hard to compare with their other releases. It's almost like a compilation of "sounds" off their other albums. Great sonics. Great music.

Just so everyone knows, "Everything Must Go" is available on CD, DVD-A and, for the Steely Dan "collector", a limited edition 2 disc set with CD and 5.1 DVD.

New Steely Dan is always such a treat. Post your opinions of this new release.
I didn't even know that Steely Dan had a new CD until I read the original post. Needless to say, I immediately ran to the local Circuit City who had it for only $10.99. Like Two Against Nature you have to listen to it a couple of times for it to grow on you. Musicianship and sound quality is of the typical high level that you expect from a Steely Dan record, but I'm not sure if the emotion of earlier works is there.

Overall, a worthy addition to the collection for any Dan Fan.
I like this new CD and am awaiting the vinyl. I think it will grow on me more over time, but I do not think it is their best effort. I like the title track a lot and the Becker lead vocal one is pretty good, too. If anything, it reminds me more of Fagen's Kamakiriad than any other Dan LP's. I hope that their live tour is good with the price I had to give for tickets!
As a critic of 2AN I should be careful what I say after a couple of listens but.........
Ok I don't care too much for the overall groove-too precise as the doctor pointed out but if I'm not mistaken this new one seems a little bit looser,a little more less symetrical with a healthier dose of guitar solo's and a bit more vocal passion at times however it did take a while before I decided Jack Of Speed was the only great track on 2AN.... so I could be wrong but I'm enjoying it more than I expected,so far anyway .
The free DVD is a joke-usual Steely Dan smart arsism-get a few pretty girls who know nothing about your music in the back of a cab and show off yet again how ironic yet how human you can be---an equivalent would have been Page and Plant in a promo for heir new stuff complete with a plastic shark..................
I heard a few cuts on my public radio station and while the playing is marvelous to me it lacked soul or energy (just like two against nature. I guess I will just have to keep listening to pretzel logic and aja.
Like it a lot. Pretty darn clean. My systems over the years have always been challenged by Fagen's voice - I'd give his sound an 8, maybe 8.5 this time out. He always sounds like it's just this side of phasey. (but Becker is IN THE ROOM on his cut.)

This is so much better than 2 Against. Lyrics better, groove hypnotic. Much more organic. Worthy!

I wonder if there's a variation in sound quality from various pressing plants - wouldn't I love a Japanese pressing! - I have SACD not DVD-A, so can't tell.