Which artists do you just not get?

I love folk. I love rock n roll. I love jazz, classical, C&W, blues and bluegrass.

At the risk of being labeled a troglodyte, a philestine, or worse, I've never been able to listen to Bob Dylan without getting a headache. Reminds me of a cat and a chalk board. Same goes for The Grateful Dead. Maybe I wasn't doing the right drugs or something.

Who else has the courage to admit to disliking music that vast portions of the population seems to go gag-ga over?

Rule number 1, Don't get personal or call other posters names because they just dissed your favorite artist.

Rule number 2, keep it civil.

Rule number 3 - HAVE FUN!
That is a GREAT idea! Sort of an Audiogon "trading post." I can think of at least a dozen CDs/LPs I've bought this year that I would like to trade. I'm all for your idea. It may be worth creating a new thread in case other potential advocates don't check into this one.

Well, I think I'm gonna be lambasted for this one...80 posts and noone has mentioned this guy...everyone must like him but me.

Neil Young. Ack.
I agree with you sean, i dont see the big deal about radiohead, and im smack dab in the age group that is supposed to get it.
I think it is more reserved for those "Metrosexual" types, not so much guy guy's like me