Your favorite Jazz album - w/in last 5 years

What is your favorite Jazz album (CD) that has come out in the last 5 years and why?
Came out exactly 5 years ago NYJG "Method to the Madness"
NYJG stands for New York Jazz Guerilla( Mix of all blends of jazz from mainstream acoustic to electronic and asid. Album built very and very intresting like a jazz party.
Exactly at the same time came out on ECM label Molvaer Nils Petter "Khmer". Exceptional musicmanship and realy the music of 23rd century. Revolutional blend of Miles Davis-ish trumpet and ambient.
Pretty much anything by Brad Mehldau. I will go out on a limb and say that he is probably the most talented musician playing in the field today. It's like impossible for the guy to play an unmelodic note.

James Carter - 'Chasin' the Gypsy'

Carter is my favorite youngish jazz musician. He has incredible chops and his albums are all quite different and wonderful. I like all of them, but especially this tribute to Django Reinhardt. It is beautiful and amazing, both musically and sonically.