Songs of the sea and shanties

Any recommendations for songs of the sea or shanties sung the traditional way, but recorded not too long ago so that the sound quality is good.

Thanks. BTW my son and wife think I must be nuts to listen to such "strange" or "awful" music. (their words, not mine)
"Beyond the Shore." Deby Benton Grosjean on fiddle.
Anair Records, San Francisco. Taste test at

Stan Rodgers- late Canadian songwriter with many original songs about the sea. Wonderful baritone voice. Pbb- I thought you were form the "Great White North", you probably know him well.
Thanks. Looking for real traditional stuff. Got a CD called "Sea Songs & Shanties" on Saydisc from Amazon. Good stuff. Stan Rogers was a great singer. Died way too young on an Air Cnada flight to the States that had a fire on board. Funny thing is, he apparently wasn't a sailor or that clsoe to the sea. Looked the part and sounded the part though. I would certainly recommend the album "From Fresh Water" as well as "Between The Breaks.......Live". A great song of hope is on that record: "The Mary Ellen Carter" and love "Barrett's Privateers", any song that has mention of Sherbrooke and Halifax can't be all bad.
How about Great Big Sea? They hail from St. Johns, NF and have recorded some great shanties and songs of the sea, using guitar, fiddle, bhodran, pennywhistle, flute. Their live recording "Road Rage" has some of their better material on it as well as some trad stuff as well.