Rush albums sound quality

I've been a long time Rush fan and as time has passed I've been able to buy a better system.
The thing is that I've realizaed that even Rush remastered cd's soun very bad, poor instrument separation, Geddy's voice sounds bad, etc.

I know it's not my system because other cd's sound great, from Dream Theater to Miles Davis.

Any one agrees ?
Check this out-

Interesting article.
I also found Rush studio recordings to be very compressed and without dynamics. I actually enjoy their live recordings better. Also, the better your system becomes its easier to hear the problem recordings. You also have to think about whether your listening to your system or the music. Thats a concept I struggle with constantly.
Thanks for the link, indeed very interesting article which also gives a more technical approach to the matter.

Do you think the label is aware of this ?, I doubt, or maybe, as the article says, they just want to please the mass.

I hope some day I can listen to one of my all time favorite band like it deserves.