Which artists do you just NOW get?

A while back, I started a post about popular artists that I just didn't get. I thought it would be fun to turn it on its ear and ask about artists that you didn't understand in your (perhaps) misspent youth, but that you have acquired a taste for over time or maybe just recently. Same rules apply. It's meant to be fun. And a little revealing. Please don't make fun of anyone but yourself.

As for me. I have never been able to stand opera. But I find that I've recently developed a taste for Sarah Brightman. And Bocelli.
Los Lobos! Bought Kiko, as recommended by stereophile. One of the worst music i ever heard.
Another thread reminded me of JJ Cale. I used to think he was a great writer but thought his music was muddled and uninspired. But now I get it. Now I would much rather listen to his versions over the artist that have covered his songs. To name just a few: Cocaine & After Midnight/ Clapton, Call me the Breeze/ Lynyrd Skynyrd, Travelin Light / Wide Spread Panic. His style is understated with what I would call a slow groove. If you like Dire Straights and Mark Knopfler then you owe it to yourself to hear the true original. I read an interview with Eric Clapton and they asked him what other musician he would like to be and his response was: JJ Cale.

A couple of other musicians that I never enjoyed until recently are Johnny Cash, Merle Haggard and Allison Krause.
As you can tell, I am rediscovering roots music.
Before this thing gets completely derailed, I'll add one.

Rather than a specific group, I never used to "get" a whole genre...Bluegrass.

I never understood why people would like so many HORRIBLE elements all combined into one form of music. Let's see...fiddle, banjo, mandolin, twanging, yodling, folky country music? YUK! Taken separately, I'm not a big fan of any of these elements, especially country music.

I now GET that this is the "original" country music. The tight harmonies, complex time signatures, virtuosic musicianship and even improvisation. It's ALL good.

Very much like "Jazz" has been comandeered by the Kenny G and David Benoits of the world. Many people have no idea what real jazz is anymore. As with all things, the good stuff never gets the exposure or the airtime. I guess that's why we need forums like this, huh?

Nice thread, Kinsekd.
Female vocals like Eva Cassidy and Patricia Barber, I used tyo like instrumentals but have found I like the well done ballad etc. these last few years.


Duane Allman was a big fan of the Jazz classic Kind of Blue and was known to listen to it a lot, almost to the point of studying it.
I always wondered why all the followers of Bob Dylan.
I've listened to him 'somewhat' but not seriously until recently.
Im still undecided but I do enjoy my SACD 'Blonde On Blonde' very much and am trying very hard to get into my 2 Sundazed mono pressings.
Im still scratching my head somewhat.