Any Zydeco recommendations?

I recently drove from New Orleans to Monroe, La., and was reminded of this music on the rental car radio. I'd like to explore music in this style. Please give me some help with material that is available- I particularly like live recordings.

Thanks in advance for all suggestions.

Another great performer and recording artist in this class that I hadn't seen named is Zachary Richards. He does the squeeze box and the singing with a cajun band -- Excellent!
I'm glad you liked the Putomayo cd Michael, and that it was appreciated by that sophisticated lady. Come on now, what did you think of Rosie Ledet?
Yep!! I also own that Putomayo Zydeco cd and I absolutely LOVE it.

I have about 8 Putomayo CDs so far and I love every one of them. Some of the best CDs I've ever heard. Can't wait to get some more.

The Jamaica and Reggae Around the World CD are probably my favorites. :)

I say Rosie Ledet is raw, refined, rough, and sweet in one jamming package.

I really appreciate artists, like her, who don't remind me of another artist.

She is on the list of acquisitions for the month of January!