Norah's new album,,FEB 9th. Can she do it again???

Anyone think Norah Jones is capable of dulpicating the success of her first album with her new album "Feels like home"? I heard that she has a song with Willie Nelson and another with Dolly Parton. I hope Norah doesn't go all country on us this time around. Oh well, we'll see.
I'm not so sure she 'did it' last time. I have her CD and I like it, but it's not great. I doubt that it will go down in history as one of the best recordings. I did like to she her grow a little, maybe branch out a little. I would like to hear her Dylan cover, that was a good song.

Good Luck Norah!
Charliee-Dylan's Heart Of Mine actually comes from Shot Of Love.
Sorry to be factual but's Bob....and I know these things.
Ben_campbell- Thanks man, I knew about five seconds after I
hit submit that I had made a mistake. I started to flip thru the lp's to check before hand becouse I had a doubt,
but, I didnt. I used to play his "born again" lp's in heavy
rotation back in the day, shudda known betta.

Who cares? If by "it" you mean sales figures. Personally, I didn't get what any of the fuss was about anyway, song-wise (unmemorable), voice-wise (she just sounds young and generic to me), or sound-wise (this is what self-described audiophiles crave - smoothed-over studio gloss?). Boring MOR-lite if you ask me, no matter who her daddy is or what label she's on...
I have a copy of Norah's version of Dylan's "I'll Be Your Baby Tonight." It's unremarkable. There is some nice instrumental work on her first CD, which is the only reason I listen to it. As others have said, I WANT to like her, but each song is pretty similar and I get bored after 5 or 6 tracks. She is, at least, a respite from all the other pop-crap on the airwaves these days.