HDCDs from China?

All over E-bay are HDCDs from China. I have bought a few of these with mixed quality results. They claim to be legitimate, but I am having my doubts. Most seem to be double or triple albums of popular artists for $10-20. Does anyone know anything about these, legit, ripoffs, garbage?

Are there any HDCD labels from the USA?

I have purchased some of these Chinese gold HDCDs. I felt the soung quality to be rough at best. The highs are piercing. I don't know if they are legit or not. I see gold 3 CD sets going for $9.95 on eBay. Just doesn't seem right does it? They definitely don't sound better than the domestic aluminum CDs of same titles. AND, the quality of the jewel cases is pathetic. Caveat emptor from this listener. BTW: The color doesn't seem right either. They don't quite look like DCC or MFSL gold stuff. I have had good luck with Japanese, Taiwan and Hong Kong gold releases though. Just ordered a 24bit gold version from Singapore as an experiment.
I agree with Rja. Half of the Beatles collection on HDCD gold discs for $9.95 just doesn't seem right. I have difficulty believing they have legal license for these recordings.
I got the Elvis 2nd to none CD and it sounds better than some of my 'made in America HDCD's'. Very lively sounding, dynamic, punchy bass. Definitely way better than the RCA versions. I've bought DCC Gold CD's Mobile Sound Gold CD's and to me they are not worth 20 dollars plus. I'll pay 10 bucks or less for the Chinese HCCD especially since some of the titles are not available in the US as HDCD. I have a good Sonus Faber/Classe/Music Hall-Shanling CD player and the Elvis CD really sounds good. Licensing? I don't know? But I don't think anyone is going to China and take them to court.