Outkast / speakerboxx

This vinyl sounds awesome. I hope you don't damn me for my musical tastes but, I can't stomach Classical.
I guess a question is, when a new album such as this comes out. Is it recorded digitaly and then put on vinyl?
This is a 4 album set and was about 1/2 the price of the CD. Great jammin!!
Hey, my tastes vary. I even was listening to Eminem tonight. Another great vinyl treasure. I buy everything in vinyl even if I have it on CD. I just don't do country or classical. I will rock, jazz, blues even hip-hop. But NEVER country!!
never heard it but a lot of my freinds rave about it,think Ill give it a listen,should I hook my subwoofer to my 2 channel when I put it on?
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