Looking for an acoustic guitar recording..

I would love to find an excellent recording of acoustic guitar. I'm looking for one that is more towards the genre of pop/rock or country than towards classical. Something upbeat would be great. I don't mind if there are vocals, but my main focus hear is on acoustic guitar. Any advice is greatly appreciated.
Get Dominic Frasca's "Deviations" ... claimed to have been performed "on solo guitar in real time with no loops, overdubs, or other instruments" ... all done on the first and only take. You will be left speechless.
I have to say that "Keith Don't Go" by Nil Lufgren (sp) Live Acoustic CDis one of the most outstanding acoustic guitar performances I've yet heard.

Anybody and everybody who's heard it seems bowled over by the performance.
Nils Lofgren on his CD "Acoustic Live". Incredible guitar and an amazing live recording. I agree with Stehno that the track "Keith Don't Go" is outstanding. A reference track for high end hi fi.