The music companies do something wrong

I still refuse to buy copy protected CD's. One of the companies seem to having everything they put out protected.
So I do not own the new Norah Jones, the remixed Beatles album and a whole bunch of other music that I just put back on the shelf. Why should I be restricted from having the tunes on my the car....ipod etc? Especially considering the high prices for new material.
Plus why is that I can buy movies on DVD for ten bucks and yet back catalogue of music stuff is still expensive? Movies cost real money to make compared to "records" so it goes to show you how much dough there is in it for the majors. Plus the fact that on movies people are much more likely to collect residuals where as most of the musicians get zip.
Yes, completely agree!!!
I stopped buying CeeDees, and started buying USED vinyl.
As far as I am concerned the big music industry can go to "H".
Clearly the music industry got some crazy idea after CeeDees started, and nearly everyone bought all the back catalog all over again.
I remember back in 1984 the high prices of CeeDees were said to be "only temporary' and the big companies said once the format was 'settled' the prices would drop. That never happened. The majors just sucked in the money and got very, very lazy.
Who needs artists?
Who needs talent?
We sell a product and the public will buy what we tell them to buy...
That is over.
The majors still think they are a big business... They are just DINOSAURS on a death bed.
Too bad they got all that money from all of us suckers from the CeeDee sales.
Even the recent Price fixing court ordered payout, The major music industry folks just got rid of millions of useless cutout CeeDees. Every Library and school in the U.S.A. got thousands of worthless CeeDees.
For example, 1,200 copies of Whitney Houston singing the Star Spangled Banner single to ONE library. And SEVERAL different places got thousands of the same. What is THAT supposed to be? Patriotic or idiotic? It's just a typical rip off. The settlement was SUPPOSED to be quality CeeDees from the catalogs... NADA... not ONE of the CeeDees they sent out (By the millions!!) to any library had ANY value to any collection. They were ALL JUNK overstock of unsaleable cutouts.
Such generosity from your court ordered Major manufacturers?
They suck, bigtime, I hope the all die off like good dinosaurs, SOON!
No such thing is 'copy protected' CDs. nearly all of those should be referred to as 'playback restricted' since that is what they really are. Also you can't really call them 'CDs' or 'compact discs' or redbook anymore since they are a different beast. more like pieces of 5 inch polycarbonoate media that resemble compact discs. or 'the disc formerly known as a CD'. ;-)

Like Elizabeth, I buy all of my stuff on usedor new vinyl when I can. Although I cannot match the prices or selection Elizabeth enjoys. Sigh.
The more you ignore, the cheaper it becomes. There are always ways arround.
How'bout copy protected Norah Jones signle singing "Star Spangled Banner?"
I agree with Elizabeth.

I mostly buy used vinyl. Along with redbook, SACD is basically a way to sell all the CDs again, just an angle to get more profit from old titles. Anyone can get LPs for CHEAP and they sound better (assuming well recorded) than all other formats.

I agree the big music companies are making way too much money off CD's while most of the artists starve from the miniscule renenues. I read something recently about a mderately well known artist (can't remember the name off-hand, story may have been in NY Times) who made essentially nothing off CD's released by a major label even though they sold thousands. Now this artist is self-releasing and will make a modest profit, even though number of CD's sold will be significantly less. Shows you where the money goes. A comparison to movies may not be appropriate however, since most of them were released in theaters and have already made the movie company mucho dinero. Releasing on DVD just adds to the greed.