What do you NEVER want to hear again???

Are there any CDs that will make you flee from an audio showroom at the approximately the same velocity as a line drive hit by Barry Bonds? I often wonder what the musical thought process is that is excercised by trade people when demonstrating gear, particularly at shows.
I'm sure there are a lot of details to think about before a show, and about the last thing on the mind of a busy sales/manufacturing type is choice of demo music, but does anyone else wish that there was a better variety of interesting music to listen to?

My own nominees are:

1. Norah Jones - Come Away With Me
In particular track #1, "Don't Know Why". I can't even tolerate the instrumental intro anymore.

2. Patricia Barber - Cafe Blue
"Too Rich For My Blood"; an unwitting anthem for some of the equipment displayed?

I certainly mean no disrespect to the artists involved here - it's not their fault that the CDs keep getting slapped into players, and I'm sure that there has been a modest increase in CD sales from so much exposure, I merely wish that I had been allowed to get sick of the recordings on my own instead having been subjected to repeated listenings.

So how 'bout it people - what do you NEVER want to hear again? Comments from those in the industry are quite welcome by the way - I'm sure there some logic to what music is being played and why....
ANYTHING from: Michael Bolton, Celine Dion, Witless Houston, The 12 Girl Band, Yanni, John Tesh, et al.
When it comes to HiFi Shows, it doesn't bother me. I can listen to those show standards, and I can enjoy them immensely. Because they are so familiar, one can make some rough conclusions about the efficacy of the playback system. I just try to listen with a fresh perspective.

Of course, it's always thrilling to hear new stuff at shows, especially if it's something you can pick up at the sales booths. I was pretty impressed by Greta Metassa - "Live At Tula's" (Jazz Stream JSSACD002) at the last CES when I heard her version of "Black Coffee" over a very nice rig - and was able to buy it at the show.
