Good insturmental sax jazz recommindations

I am just getting in to Jazz, and I love the type of it where there is NO vacals, and has a sax playing. What artist do this with their music? Any recommindations? Thanks alot!!!
If you like laid back Jazz, try Houston Persons. If you like jazz with a tad of influence from the big band sound, try Scott Hamilton, if you like cool jazz try Paul Desmond, and then there is always Ben Webster and Jerry Mulligan.
Newbee, have you heard "Gerry Mulligan Meets Scott Hamilton: Soft Lights and Sweet Music" on Concord? It's a nice recording that shows off the talents of both of these great artists.
Yes, indeed. And I agree. Concord Jazz has an outstanding catalog, IMHO. Also, really worth hearing is "Jerry Mulligan meets Ben Webster". Enjoy........
Ben Webster does, indeed, get a sweet sound out of a sax like no one else. Makes that sax cry like a baby....
I'm surprised no one has mentioned Johnny Hodges, Stanley Turentine and Gene Ammons. Although not as popular as some of the above mentioned artists, they are excellent performers.