Something similar to Mahler

Any recommendation for something close to Mahler Symphony 3 or 5?
A few large scale orchestral pieces:

What about the rest of Mahler.
Bruckner #8 - von Karajan, Vienna Philharmonic
Bruckner #9 - Giulini, Vienna Philharmonic
Shostakovich #5 and 9 - Haitink
Schoenberg Gurreleider - Chailly
Beethoven Symphonies - Barenboim
Many others...

What is it that you particularly like about Mahler 3 & 5? Knowing that might help us help you.

Like Rob asked, what about the rest of Mahler, are you familar with it? Mahler 6 is one of, and in MHO, his finest - the most beauty, the most pathos, drama, its got it all. M9 ain't chopped liver. Nor M2.

To Robs list, I would add Bruckner 7, Sibelius 4 & 5, and Vaughn Williams 2, 3, and 5.
Check out some of the Strauss tone poems - Don Juan, Til Eulenspiegel, Don Quixote ....