Something similar to Mahler

Any recommendation for something close to Mahler Symphony 3 or 5?
Something close to Mahler, which is not really Mahler, is the so-called Mahler 10th symphony (in the performing version by Deryck Cooke), since Mahler skethed much of the music but died before it could be completed and orchestrated. Admittedly, this music is much closer to the Mahler 9th symphony than to the 3rd or 5th, but still an intruiging work, that is rarely heard.

Try the version by RSO Berlin, Riccardo Chailly conducting:
Decca 466 955-2.
Schubert, you are on a roll today putting Mahler and rock music in the same boat of ne'er-do-wells, eh?

Oh well, at he is in GOOD rock music company.

Mahler 3rd is unmatched on its turf in my book. Nothing else sucks me in as deeply as quickly and then takes me on an emotional roller coaster for as long and as well as that one, complete with tearing eyes along the way. It's an ethereal experience for sure, but it ain't "pretty".

"Suppers Ready" by Genesis is in the same ballpark but over in the progressive rock league and it does have some very pretty parts.

"Seventh Sojourn" album by The Moody Blues is in the same ballpark as well with some breathtakingly gorgeous parts. See my review here on A'gon for more about that.
Mapman, The most transcendental music experience I have ever had was a couple years ago in Cleveland for the Mahler III. The only thing that even came close was the first time I heard a live performance of the Bach Johannes Passion. Got to respectfully disagree with my good friend Schubert in his assessment of Mahler.
Hearing a good complete Mahler 3rd live is high on my list of things to do.

Heard the musical box genesis cover band do a complete repro of suppers
ready a few years back. Heaven!