Phenomenal Classical Recordings

I would like to get a few really great classical recordings in terms of both music and the actual production in either redbook or SACD. Any recommendations to get me going into classical?
Chamber music suggestions added to last post.

Maineiac, do you need some recommendations for choral, piano or organ or will orchestral and chamber be a sufficient starting point?
WOW!! Thanks. This is more then enough to get me rolling. I really appreciate the help. It is always better to have a direction and a head start like this.
Good luck! Please come back and tell us what you've liked as you go down your path.
Although my schedule has been pretty hectic lately, I have purchased the Bach Brandenburg Concertos and have really enjoyed my listening sessions so far. I plan to hit it pretty hard here over the holidays.

The following should arrive any day now:

Arturo Delmoni Songs My Mother Taught Me
Igor Stravinsky: L'Histoire Du Soldat Suite
Johannes Somary Handel: Royal Fireworks Music/ The Water Music

Thanks for the input and guidance so far. A place to start is so important.
When you're ready for Mahler get the SACD releases by the San Francisco Symphony Orchestra under Michael Tilson Thomas. Start with Symphony #1, because everyone loves that one.
I can verify that the Naxos CDs of Haydn's quartets are very good indeed. You can buy the whole 23 CD set for about $130, but if you just want to dip your toe in, I'd recommend the Op.9 (2,5,6) and Op.76 (1-3) which are great examples of his early and late style.
