Dead Can Dance's Into the Labyrinth

Anybody on this one? Just picked it up, after hearing Srajan, from 6moons, talking on Audio Asylum, about this cd he heard at the CES Show in Las Vegas. Actually, what I'm interested in is Dead Can Dance. Other cds. Background. Whatever. thanks in advance. peace, warren
Albert, it's the nature of the beast. I have a large and varied music pallid, but, hey, there are just some things that don't do it for me. I'm not into synthesized music as a rule, and overly recorded (I don't know what else to call it) voices become quite fatiguing after a short listen. Man, did Ella sound soooo good after Mortal Coil. and intimate....thanks again.
peace, warren
got it. now that's a voice I can listen to for a long while.. thanks, anyway.. Mortal Coil went fast on the 'gon.
For you Dead Can Dance fans, and those who may be interested in an interesting introduction, I have a brand spanking new copy of Lotus Eaters still in shrink wrap (already mentioned on this thread). I have a dublicate copy and this one was gifted to me. $14 + shipping of your choice. Ping me off the thread if interested. This is a double album compilation with various artists. Go to the link for further info.

Hey Albert, did you ever find any vinyl by the Eden, a group from Australia? They did two albums I've been able to find that sound very much like early DCD, although more on the ambient side, including harmonic singing. I like the 2nd LP the best.

A track from Serpent's Egg showed up on the Baraka soundtrack, which has some other material in the same genre. Lots of fun.