Anyone from the Greater Detroit Area remember this

I read a recent tread called "IT'S A SOUL THANG" and boy did that bring back some memorie's for me growing up wright in the thick of the "Motown Sound".Every December at the "FOX THEATER" in Detroit,they held what was called the "MOTOWN REVIEW",it was held on a Friday and Saturday,for 2 weeken'd straight."Little Stevie Wonder",Temptations,Smokey,they were all there.Doe's anyone else remember this? What about "WCHB" AM 1440,best soul station in Detroit,then.Remember "White's Record's",on West Grand Blvd.and Ferry?What fond memorie's!! Hope you enjoyed this,I am currently living in Iowa.Thanks!!! Ron...
I grew up hearing stories from my parents (they went to Mumford High) about the weekend Motown Review. They used to attend regularly. Now it's all beginning to make sense. They had nothing but Motown in their record collection. Then we moved to California, and they picked up some Herb Alpert, Steve Miller, and The Eagles. I even taught myself to play the drums--on my father's set--to "Songs in the Key of Life" & "Hotel California".
No wonder I'm a freak for African & Brazilian music. Talk about a Jew chasing his Motown roots.

Ron007, you just connected the musical dots of my life!

All the best,
hi ron,im pretty sure "white's records is a crack house now,that whole area needs a net dropped over it.

Hey Ron007, growing up in Highland Park, I caught the Hamilton Bus to the Fox for the Motown Review. Bus fare was $.25 and admission was $2.50. And you talk about WCHB, remember "Frantic Ernie Durham & Butterball Jr" When all other record shops were closed, Whites was still open to midnight. I remember leaving a wedding reception and my father stopped by White's to pick up a copy of Stevie Wonder 'Uptight Everything Is All Right" Always good to here from an old schooler.

And Boa2, I am a Mumford grad also. Class of 1973
I also attended a couple Motown Reviews and went to the James Brown 1968 concert at, I think, Masonic Auditorium. Just me and my and my buddies - Dale Taylor, Dan Gebauer, Dale's older sister and her friend - and I think we were the only white people there. I remember signing along to "Say It Loud (I'm Black & I'm Proud)" and all of us shouting out the refrain "Say It Right, I'm White and Out-a-site!" The other fans there thought we were hilarious and everyone had a blast. James' band cooked like nothing else you can imagine.

In 1976 my friend Ron Blackwell and I got escorted out of the Dearborn Hyatt Regency nightclub during a James Brown concert. He and the kickass super tight band were stomping out "Get Up Offa That Thang - Shake Till You Feel Better!" and since there was no dance floor Ron, me, and our dates pushed a couple tables aside and started dancing.

Say, anyone remember Artist's Music Centers' "Battle of the Bands"? Lots of blue eyed soul boys up on that stage except the damn Woolies seemed to win every time!