What Patty Smith album to own?

New to Patty, and want to get a couple of albums. What album does every Patty Smith fan have? Or should have? thanks in advance. peace, warren
not my cup of java. I'm putting them on the 'gon. Hey, I'm trying to remain teachable. She's not happening for me...
Man, because of this thread I went out and bought the remastered Horses CD.
Though the sound quality is fairly good for its time , the music is quite strange and I doubt if I will play it again.
It was probably meant to be played while stoned.
Well Ozzy there we go play an album once and give up on it?

That is a remarkable response to a piece of music.
I can assure you there is no need to be stoned to enjoy Horses.
I really meant...
I could not stand to listen to it again!

To each his own.
What ever music gets you going is the best I guess.
Patty got me going...except to the restroom!
Just kidding.

I recently picked up Eric Clapton SACD Slowhand. I new of the hits , but the whole CD really interests me.
I am always trying to pick up music from ther era to try.

Patty Smith is not my "cup of tea" but you enjoy!