What Patty Smith album to own?

New to Patty, and want to get a couple of albums. What album does every Patty Smith fan have? Or should have? thanks in advance. peace, warren
I really meant...
I could not stand to listen to it again!

To each his own.
What ever music gets you going is the best I guess.
Patty got me going...except to the restroom!
Just kidding.

I recently picked up Eric Clapton SACD Slowhand. I new of the hits , but the whole CD really interests me.
I am always trying to pick up music from ther era to try.

Patty Smith is not my "cup of tea" but you enjoy!

Horses is a CD that really takes a few listens. There are actually some quite beautiful moments on the CD IMHO. There are some interesting arrangements as well. IMO the real punch of the CD is the emotion that she lets into her music, but you need to be accepting of the dark and anger in Patti Smith. Her CD, Gone Again, is a bit more approachable.

i have Patti Smith Horses on CD ,dont like it ! dos anyone want it for the cost of shipping?send me an email,,