How Big is Your Music Collection

Just wondering, how big is your music collection. This includes CDs, SACDS, DVDs, LPs.
I personally have 1000+ Cds, 0-SACDS, 60 DVD concerts, and 0-LPs. It is interesting to see you input.
Jes45 - That's only about a year and a half of music playing 24/7....a bit more if you factor in all the lp cleaning and flipping sides. You may need a bit of time to swap out that stylus too. You're gonna get awfully bored after that year and a half is up. You'll have to listen to the same song twice! Better get busy supplementing that modest collection of yours. Come back and post once you're ready to run with the big boys!

I guess this is supposed to be a reality check: I wonder how many here have more invested in their system than in their software. I guess even Jes' system approaches his collection in (money) value...

And to answer you question, in my current place there are about

500+ CDs
200+ LPs
30 (Hybrid!!!) SACDs
3 concert movies

Some extra CDs (100+) are with my wife in Canada, and about another 150+CDs and 150+LPs are back in Germany and can't wait to be moved someday.
Marco (Jax2), looking at your many great music recommendations here on Agon, your collectio can't be that far away from Jes'.

Jes, only recently have I seen this many LPs. I guess I am still to young to remember this many records in one place. I finally found a store that must have a collection in the 50.000-100.000 records. That store has more than 10 shelves (10ft high and about 15ft long). I have to say I was quite impressed the first time I walked in there.
CD's- 550
SACD's- 2 but listened to as cd's
LP's- 60
DVD-V's- 4

And always growing!
1200+ CD's
1000+ LP's
In the mix of CD's there are no SACD or DVD, but I do have a decent number of XRCD's, Gold CD's, and other audiophile quality CD's. It's too early in the morning to go and count them. I think the XRCD's are the best I've heard for two channel.
I still have boxes of 100's of cassette tapes I recorded from my albums.
Basically, to repeat what many a girlfriend has said when they see my collection: "Oh my God, it's huge!"