How Big is Your Music Collection

Just wondering, how big is your music collection. This includes CDs, SACDS, DVDs, LPs.
I personally have 1000+ Cds, 0-SACDS, 60 DVD concerts, and 0-LPs. It is interesting to see you input.
I have 100,000 LPs
and 200,000 CDs

na kidding - I just wanted to say I have the most.

I really don't have a lot. I have about 100+ CDs and 80+ LPs. If I were to sit down and listen to all my music it would take too much time to hear it all (not to mention that I listen to my favorites over and over again). So, what's the point of having so much when you can't possibly listen and appreciate it all (unless you're retired). I should sell some of it to buy more new music.

LPs - 4,400
cds - 1500
cassettes - 400
r-2-r - 125
SACD/DVD/DVA, etc., etc. - zero!
thanks guys for your participation. It seems that the majority own LPs rather than Cds, I personally never owned a turntable nor any Lp in my life, I might be missing lots.. I have at least contributed 15,000 Dollars to the muscic industry by buying those CDs.
I have about 1400 LPs and maybe 300 CDs. I also have maybe 50 SACDs, I've never counted them seperately. I have been winnowing a lot of stuff out the last few years.
I've about...

1980 CD's
120 SACD's
23 XRCD's, all Chicago or Boston except... Dire Straits
20 music DVD's
60 CDR's, concerts
200 CDR's, for the car
5 or 6 broken cassettes
75 45's
450 LP's and no TT!!!