foreign lyrics -------do you care?

Foreign lyrics - does any body care if you can not understand the lyrical content of a particular piece of music? Many of my non audiophile friends would not even pretend to entertain the thought of listening to foreign music. To me, the human voice is a beautiful and complex instrument wether or not I understand the lyrics. Emotion and passion are universal.
most of the time i don't pay attention to english lyrics either. i know i should, but i treat vocals the same as any other instrument and don't pay attention to the words. always done that even when i was a kid.

aloha keith
dosnt matter to me either, I love Stereolab,but cant understand a word of french!
I may not get the point or the language, but occationally I can still enjoy the music. My imagination is such that I might even arrive at a different point and far better lyrics, and sometimes that is all i would care to do. Other times I am curious what the translation might amount to and I will investigate.
My point of view is a little different. Much of modern music contains lyrics that are basically inane prattle and self-indulgent dreck. Occasionally you find something beautiful and/or socially significant, but it is the exception.

Sometimes I put on some Latin music (which I rather like) and that way I can pretend that the words are beautiful and have deep meaning without actually understanding how run-of-the-mill they probably are...

Plus, I took Espanol in high school so I recognize some words and phrases and I can add my own slant from there. :)