Where do you find new music?

I'm not talking about the latest LP from the White Stripes or whoever, where do you get introduced to most of the new music that you end up buying?

Radio, friends homes, AudiogoN or catalogs like Acoustic Sounds or Music Direct are all options. What is your best resource.

P.S. I'm talking about introductions, not where you buy it.
On a more thoughtful note of response; My sources vary widely and include some of those listed above. I'd add to the list some very good friends who are constantly on the prowl for good music. A'gon forums too. Another good resource I've found, believe it or not, is Amazon. Many times when I've been introduced to something new I'll go take a peek at what other folks who liked that particular artist are buying. I wouldn't go as far as to buy such a recomendation blindly, but i will actively seek out recommendations based upon things that come up frequently there in my searches.

Although FM radio is sometimes helpful, I often buy music based on the artist, the composer, and similarity to recordings that I already have and like. For example, if I like one Mozart Symphony performance by a particular conductor and orchestra, I would be likely to buy another Mozart symphony recording by the same outfit. I am also influenced by technical quality of the recording...for example I buy almost every Tacet DVDA that I can find.
College Radio Stations! I have heard more great new (and old) music recently by tuning in college radio staions in my area. Around here there is very little commercial FM worth listening to. The typical hit stations, hip-hop and rap and of course the station that makes sure you never go a full 24 hours without hearing the same 50 songs you have heard 10,000 times already. I call it "Stairway to Freebird" radio.
If it was not for Gaston College, Isothermal College and NPR, I wouldnt need radio.
Public Library- free check out of up to 5 CD's -listen to it all for 2 weeks not 30 second bytes