BEST classical guitar.....CD!

the GUITARIST john must hear this...maan, give... some more of GOOOOD gitar suggestions..i amm i drink red "FOXhorn"'s Okkay....also FISK "Vivaldi concierto"...close second.....
First Impression Music XRCD 023 "Flamenco Passion" is very good, astounding in the "immediacy" of the plucked string (but the guitar image is a little "swimmy", has to do with miking techinique, perhaps the mike spacing is a little too far)............Julian Bream's work on RCA in the 1960's is quite good..........To get slightly off track (from digital): Dragon, if you want a KILLER guitar recording on vinyl, the Analog Productions reissue of Bola Sete's "Tour de Force" is phenomenal. Every time I listen to it, I think how great it would be to use it as a demo of the capabilities of vinyl, for an accompanied guitar recording.....There are others on vinyl too, of course.................My favorite rock recording (with acoustic guitar) is Yes's "An Evening of Yes Music Plus" (Herald 006). This is a double gold CD, and is by far the best live recording, and best live recorded performance by Yes, in my opinion.
It isn't "classical" but is accoustic and an EXCELLENT recording - "Thunderation" by Dan Crary.
Try Pepe Romero's version of Rodrigo's "Concerto de Aranjuez". I'm not sure if the spelling is correct. This is an amazing piece. Full orchestra, but the guitar is front and center with many solos. The emotion and depth of this concerto is stunning. I sat front row center at an Elliot Fisk performance of it. Wow! For some amazing acoustic playing, try "Thr Guitar Trio", Paco De Lucia, Al DiMiola and John McLaughlin, on Verve. This is by far the best of their three cds. The sound makes this one of my reference cds. Each instrument is clear and seperate. Their playing is... out of this world.