Best female vocals on CD

Want recommendations for Female recordings on CD. Thanks Joe
What a relief!! My taste in music is validated after all. It seems nobody in the general public recognizes my best tunes. This was a fun thread to cruise, many of my favorites have been mentioned repeatedly. Fortunately, I do have a couple of additions for your consideration:

Susan Werner..."Time Between Trains" and "Last of the Good Straight Girls" very fine recordings and a excellent voice. She is also great live, catch her for a wonderful envening.

Allison Krauss..."Forget About It" among others; often with the bluegrass band Union Station. Beautifully sweet, liquid vocals,and a damn fine fiddle player, too!

Kelly Flynt of Dave's True Story..."Sex without Bodies"; in the finest smoky lounge singer tradition ala Holly Cole or Sara K. And an amazing Chesky recording to boot.

So, there...cost you well under a hundred bucks, Enjoy.

Best regards
It will be interesting to summarize this thread to find out who got the most vote in these more than 300 openions.
Diane Schuur has been one of my favorites. A couple of her CDs are super. I just a couple weeks ago discovered Stacy Kent and plan to buy all of her CDs this weekend.