Best female vocals on CD

Want recommendations for Female recordings on CD. Thanks Joe
I bought "Careless Love" at the weekend on the strength of the Stereophile review (I was bored and wanted to buy something new) and have not been dissapointed. I'm not a huge Billie Holliday fan but she does sound very close -- it's a real "old time" sound that lends a very satisfying and warm quality to most of the songs. I particularly like tracks 1, 2 and 9. the recording quality is high and really shows off the low-level resolution and imaging in my system. A lot of tracks use brushes which add a certain "air" to the sound. Highly recommended1!
Nick...I was racking my brain trying to think of who Madeleine Peyroux
reminded me of, and you nailed it (no disrespect to Ms. Peyroux). It is a
terrific record from both performance and recording aspects.
thanks Tvad!!!im going to look for it tonight,did you get your copy on the internet?