Best female vocals on CD

Want recommendations for Female recordings on CD. Thanks Joe
A newer person who has an outstanding voice is Vienna Teng. She has two cds (I believe) that can be purchased. I like her Warm Strangers cd best, and on this there are several tracks which I find to be outstanding - Anna Rose, Passage, and the Atheist Christmas Carol. In addition to her beautiful singing, her piano is quite nice. Her voice is reminiscent of Sara McLachlan. Vienna Teng has a web site where her music can be sampled.
Has anybody here heard Pure - by Hayley Westenra ( a kid from New Zealand)
Go listen, now!! What a magical voice and a great recording, too
Queen Latifah: The Dana Owens album.

This woman has been wasting her talent on rap. Go get this album, and get ready to hear a woman that can do blues, soul, jazz, you name it. I would have never thought.